Share Your Repair
Share Your Tractor Repair
Share details of your tractor repair or restoration to claim a free beanie, mug or t-shirt. Just send us your story with a couple of pics to: (Please include which item you would like us to send; a beanie, coffee cup or T shirt - plus your size L, XL, XXL). Unfortunately due to shipping costs we can only send to UK addresses. Your images will be shared on our website, social media and may be used to promote Anglo Agriparts.
This restoration project was sent in by Daniel McCrory of his late grandads John Deere 2030
This project was sent in by Kev Welsh of his tractor Harry - a TEF20.
Fordson Major E1A Restoration. This project was sent in by Nick Ward, in a beautiful tribute to his brother Samuel.
Elias Kissamono kindly sent in photos of his restorations products; an International Harvester 744 and a Fordson Super Major. We look forward to seeing how they both progress!
Daniel Maciver from Qontrac-Agri sent in details of a Massey 135 Engine rebuild for a customer.
Ian Everett sent in pictures of his Massey Ferguson 165 Restoration which has been his lockdown project.
Brian Kettell sent in some photos of his ongoing Ferguson TED20 restoration
Over the Christmas and New Year holidays we ran a series of competition on Facebook to win a variety of goodies for your tractor. Some of our lucky winners sent in pictures of their winnings!
Gary Rush sent in details of his 1978 Fiat 450 Special Restoration.
Customer Ken Sims sent in details of his recent engine overhaul project.
Showing -609 to -600 of 22 (3 Pages)